How to upgrade vehicles in Saints Row

Like previous Saints Row entries, the 2022 reboot allows players to customize their vehicles to their liking. Furthermore, players can upgrade their vehicles to improve their performance.

Customization has remained a huge part of Saints Row throughout the franchise's history. Due to this, it's no surprise that players can customize their bosses, vehicles, and weapons in the newest game in the series.

However, some players may be confused about how vehicle customization and upgrades occur. Below, players can find a quick guide on how to customize their vehicle and improve its performance if desired.

Saints Row: How to customize and upgrade your vehicle

A customized sportscar in the game (Image via Deep Silver Volition)

For a boss to start customizing a vehicle in Saints Row, they'll need to add it to their collection first. Players can achieve this by taking a vehicle of their choosing and driving it to their HQ or JimRob's garage.

Once the vehicle is added to the player's collection, they can begin the upgrade and customization process. Simply pick the desired vehicle and begin the customization process by selecting the customize option. Upgrading will also require players to have progressed to at least level five.

Players are capable of customizing many aspects of their vehicles. For example, Saints Row bosses can tweak their car's tires, body, paint, and even add audio specifications. Body and tire mods come in wide varieties, and color options are viable.

However, upgrades are different, as they don't alter a vehicle's appearance but rather its performance. Players can use Upgrade Kits to boost their vehicle's performance, including its speed and handling. Overall, vehicles can receive three upgrades before their stats are considered maxed.

While upgrading your primary vehicles is ideal for keeping them worthy of use in missions, players will have to progress through the game to continue to obtain high-grade upgrade kits. Specifically, players can receive the highest quality upgrade kit when their boss reaches level 15.

Upgrades carry over between garages and locations, so players can summon their upgraded vehicle and keep any customizations made to it. As players progress through Saints Row's story, they'll unlock additional customizations and can even establish a signature ability for their vehicle where applicable.

There are a sizable number of vehicles to obtain in the open-world action game. While cars are the most recognizable, players can unlock and obtain motorcycles, trucks, boats, and more.

Players can obtain over 80 different vehicles, each with their own upgrades and customizations. Some vehicles can even be assembled by collecting parts by roaming and discovering them in the game world.

Equipment can also be applied to these vehicles, including nitrous tanks, towing cables, and off-road kits for rocky terrain well off the beaten path.

If players don't want to customize their vehicles excessively, presets also exist where players can alter their vehicle from a list of archetypes. These presets can perform well enough and look quite satisfying if customization isn't a boss' forte.

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