Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Risen Chameleos guide weaknesses, drops, and more

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The Risen Chameleos is even more potent than the standard version in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and is likely hinting at more monsters evolving beyond the affliction of the Qurio virus. It is a unique variation that is the first of its kind and proves that if a monster does overcome the Qurio virus, it will yield even more dangerous traits and attacks than its normal form. This guide covers all Risen Chameleos weaknesses and material drops in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

How to beat Risen Chameleos in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

All Risen Chameleos weaknesses

The Risen Chameleos will unleash a potent poison against you and your monster-hunting team, and we highly suggest bringing as many antidotes with you as you can carry. It also can cause you and your team to undergo toxic nightmares if you lose sight of it. After you damage the Risen Chameleons enough times, they will begin to glow, entering its Risen state. While in this state, you want to remain as aggressive as possible to knock it out of this state. If you don’t, it will fill its tail with toxins and slam it into the ground, performing a massive AOE poison attack.

Related: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Flaming Espinas guide – weaknesses, drops, and more

We recommend using Slashing and Blunt-based weapons against its head and forelegs. These areas will take the most damage, but you always want to focus on its tail to prevent it from using too many toxic-based attacks. If you have to use a weapon with elements, you’ll want to use a Fire or Dragon-based one.

Body PartsSlashingBluntAmmoFireWaterThunderIceDragon
Hind Leg30252025010020

All Risen Chameleos material drops

When battling against the Risen Chameleos, you won’t be able to capture it. It is an Elder Dragon; you can only kill it in battle. It doesn’t have too many target-based materials, so the best way to receive the items it drops is by consistently hunting it.

Material dropsTarget RewardsCapture rewardsBroken part rewardsCarvesDropped materials
Chameleos Finehide22%020%36% from the Body and 9% from the Tail50%
Chameleos Hardclaw30%0027%30%
Chameleos Fellwing25%080%10%0
Chameleos Lash12%0080%0
Chameleos Gem7%07%7%0
Large Elder Dragon Gem4%04%4%1%
Chameleos Hardhorn0089%24%0
Pure Dragon Blood000020%
Ultimas Crystal000014%
Old Dragon Treasure000040%

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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