Movies starring Tina Majorino

Veronica Mars Poster Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars is a delightful piece of fan service - a supersized TV reunion episode expanded for viewing in movie theaters. Warner Brothers, unsure of the film’s box office potential, has chosen an unusual distribution model. Simultaneous with t...

Waterworld Poster Waterworld

The makers of Waterworld, the current holder of the "most expensive film" title, have put a good portion of the money where the viewing public can see it -- on the screen. This production, with its massive explosions, amazing stunts, and breathtak...

Napoleon Dynamite Poster Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite should be required therapy for anyone with a self-image problem. No matter how much of a loser a person believes himself to be, he couldn't possibly be in worse shape than the protagonist of Jared Hess' wickedly funny high school...
