Nicole Millar's new EP 'Are You Kidding?' is a guided tour of rawness and expressive emotion through

Today sees the release of Nicole Millar’s most recent EP ‘Are You Kidding?’, showcasing a different direction of her music through seven songs. In fact, Nicole has used her platform to touch on a storyline of rawness and expressive emotion going both high and low.

In this release, you are going to see Nicole Miller at her most centered, truthful version of herself, whilst commanding a breathtaking style of transparency with every song on offer.

Offering a strong sense of conviction and clearness in her songwriting throughout this release, Nicole guides the listener into many aspects of her world. In which, the bright parts are in the realness and transparency themed throughout the entire EP, specifically in the title track, ‘4U’ and ‘Dying To Forget’.

“Writing this EP was really fun and was a little challenging at times, Covid threw a curveball and I had to think of new ways to write all of the songs on the EP were written in my house in Sydney,” Nicole reveals on the creation of the EP. “I wrote songs sitting on my couch, walking through the hallway, and then took the tracks in the studio with my favourite producers.”

…“I’m constantly learning more about myself as a person and artist over the years and exploring new genres/ sounds I think from listening to my EP you will be able to hear the journey I’ve been through.”

Nicole Millar

This is additionally a multifaceted EP that touches on the ideas and moments of heartbreak and sass, which is just Nicole in a nutshell.

“I’m finally defining myself as a true artist and not just a feature and I’m so excited for what is next,” Nicole adds.

Connect with Nicole Millar: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
