Possible fixes, reasons, and more

Following the update v27.10, users have been running into issues while trying to log into Fortnite. The latest of these issues presents itself in the form of an error called "esp-buimet-003 Xbox." It seems that it is affecting Xbox users in particular. Given that the latest build version of the game has been having issues off late, this could be a major problem for players worldwide.

Fortnite Xbox users have been looking for a way to fix the "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error, but sadly, there seems to be none in sight. That said, there are a few community-found workouts that may solve the issue at hand. These can potentially fix the problem or, at the very least, provide temporary respite.

How to fix the Fortnite "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error

As mentioned, this problem seems to be affecting Xbox users only. Since Epic Games is yet to address the issue at hand, it's clear that they are currently unaware of it. Nevertheless, here are a few workarounds that can be implemented to try and solve the "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error.

1) Reset the Xbox

According to users, restarting the Xbox can potentially solve the issue. Given that the "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error is not new, this has worked in the past. Consider switching off your Xbox and restarting it to see if it helps solve the problem. You can also try logging out and logging back into your account before and/or after resetting your Xbox.

2) Reset the router or unplug and re-plug the LAN cable

Another possible way to fix the "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error is to reset your router. Disconnect the Xbox from your router and do a hard reset of the device. For those using a LAN cable, disconnect it from your Xbox, reset the router, and connect it back again. Take care while disconnecting the LAN cable to ensure that you do not damage it.

3) Reinstall Fortnite

If both the above methods fail to solve the problem, consider reinstalling Fortnite on your Xbox. At times, files tend to get corrupted, and given that the latest update v27.10 has caused issues for many players, it's worth trying this method out. However, since the game's size is rather large, do consider the other options before reinstalling.

4) Wait for an official solution from Epic Games

Since Epic Games provide updates on social media, if the "esp-buimet-003 Xbox" error persists, they will notify the community on how to solve it. If nothing else, they will provide a temporary solution or workaround at least.

That being said, waiting for a hotfix or patch is likely the best course of action. Given that these issues are technical in nature, the developers will have to fix them from their end. All said and done, this issue is similar to the Fortnite “unable to sign into PlayStation Network" error, and it should get resolved in a few hours.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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