The Life & Death of Owen Hart DVD Released.

I hope that Martha and Vince eventually come to an agreement where a box set all about Owens life is released, and fans can remember Owen in the way he deserves, rather than just the "guy who died in the ring".

This simply cannot be QFT'd enough.

Without taking away from the tragedy of Owen's death, and without implying that theres no place for an Owen Hart "life story" (which this DVD looks like being, as opposed to being a doco about his wrestling career), I would absolutely flock to buy a "Best of Owen Hart", box-set DVD.

He wrestled in the WWF for a very long time, and had an illustrious career in his own right. Sometimes when people die tragically (regardless of which field they work in) they become overrated; people romanticize them and make them out to be better than they actually were. Owen is actually the complete opposite; his brilliance as a wrestle and the scope of what he achieved, tends to get drowned out by discussions about the tragic and unusual circumstances surrounding his death.

In particular, the influence Owen had over the WWF's tag team contribution is highly underrated; he was very much the focal point of that division during the late 90s/early 2000s, forming dominant tag teams with Yoko, the Bulldog and Jarrett. He was feakishly versatile; in the goofy "Blue Blazer" program with Jarrett he was hilarios, while he could also play a genuinely menacing character, i.e. his "Black Hart" persona after the Montreal Screwjob. He did so many different types of angles and played so many subtly different types of characters that an hours-long DVD of highlights still wouldnt get old. Furthermore, I've not seen a bad match from him, and his best matches are sublime, absoltuely superb. And with Hart/McMahon relations at an all time high, the timing couldnt be better (imagine how much an Owen Hart box set would sell in Canada, with Brett ACTIVELY promoting it and probably taking a personal interest in seeeing it do well).

I mean, like, I'll buy this for sure, but GOD I want to see an Owen Hart box set!
