Who Is Kennedy Feco From Simi Valley? Death Cause, Facebook Age & Family

Who Is Socialmediagirls’ Kennedy Feco? Death News Of The Simi Valley Influencer And Model Is Viral, Is She Dead?

Kennedy Feco from the social media girls happens to be from the Simi Valley. Is she dead? The death hoax turns out to be true. Know the death cause, age, Facebook, and family of the star.

Social Media girls Forum is the platform the consists of adult content. It has several young girls with their accounts who are supposed to maintain their profiles. She along with her friend Grace C. are new to the site.

The site cannot be accessed without logging in to the sexy YouTubers forum. She is there for entertainment and monetary purpose like any other girl. The 2012 child dancer is lost from social media.

Similarly, she is completely inactive from the social media girls forum while her friends are busy on the site. The death rumor has been putting audiences in dilemma. Let’s add clearance to the topic.

Kennedy Feco is a student who was brought into controversy after she used the extreme level of racist words over social media in 2020 along with her friend Gabby Sade Astorga.

On the other hand, she is recognized for being a model as well as an influencer on youtube who does fitness videos. The death hoax of the girl has turned out to be true.

Kennedy Feco’s cause of death is still a matter of suspicion. However, right after the deletion of the post, another dead body of an unknown girl was found in Simi Valley.

The case is suspected to be a matter of Homicide by her boyfriend Jason Barker. But since the incident, Kennedy seems missing from social media which is catalyzing the fire of suspicion.

Kennedy Feco Facebook

Kennedy Feco is a Facebook enthusiast who constantly posts her pictures over the media platform. Although the Instagram page of the girl is deleted, she can be found in her friend Grace C’s posts.

She was a complete racist who used the N-word for the African-American people, showing them down.

Kennedy Feco Age and Family

Kennedy Feco seems to be at the age less than 20 years. The girl in her teens has been a former participant in dancing competitions as well. Nothing much of her family is known except for her mother.

She is undoubtedly a mammas girl who is seen with her mother on Facebook. Likewise, she is a former student of the Big Springs Elementary School.
